Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Sunday FUNDAY!

Sunday afternoon we went of a photo shoot, Shell, Shan and I.

I had asked Shell if she would mind taking some photos of me.

Of course, being the super awesome friend that she is,

she agreed!

Shan came too!

We walked around Westminister's campus,

I saw a spot, and said

"Shan go over there, I'll take your photo"

Shan "No Meag, this is for you."

"No, we are going to take pics of all of us"

"No, you go"

I climb under, the spot just didn't work for me...

It was perfect for Shan... She was a perfect model, not direction needed. one pose after the next. Shells took a turn next, she too is a great model, I started to shoot... One shot after the next Shell had great poses too!
The afternoon was filled with lots of laughs, all were much needed.

I don't enjoy being on the other side of the camera.
And it is hard for me..
But, in all seriousness I am grateful to be able to capture great moments in my life

and the lives of those I LOVE.

Ones we'll be able to cherish forever!

don't you just want to pinch those cheeks? should they be that pinchable as an adult?

Friday, April 8, 2011

Put me on a plane!!

In 34 days I will be on a plane to the Dominican Republic

to spend 7 great nights here...

I'll read whatever I want...

and maybe even do a little of this... Until then, I'll be writing papers, giving presentations, taking a test finishing my internship.

YAY! for school!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Things that should not be forgotten

when going to the gym...

or you may have to wear these....


So maybe I should have stayed in class...

I just couldn't...

the Director of the program was teaching us about Stats...

Kind of...

We learned he paid $799 for his first calculator in 1977

and $2400 dual floppy disk computer

and that on a spreadsheet the cells are usually related to each other.


I biked 15 miles in my Toms

and played a little raquet ball with the love birds.

Don't judge me

at least I committed to something...
