Sunday, July 6, 2008


Because we are all so busy at our house, my parents decided that we should just have a staycation instead of going somewhere to have family time.  Our staycation has been very nice. We just do what we want.  Here is the most recent picture of the family....just a little different from the last one. YAY! for family Staycations! 



I love family staycations. So great to see you this weekend. You are so great. Love

Missy said...

so you had your family pictures at the same place we did our engagement and bridal pictures! How was your trip? I hope it was a blast.

Channynba said...

Oh!!! I miss you guys. Tell everyone I say HI.

~H said...

Cute family!! :) I just wanted to say hi! I stalked you down through Missy and Brads Blog! hahaha lol I'm getting pretty good at this! :)