Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Does life get better then this?

On my drive home yesterday, I had lot of time to think.  I am saddened that my summer is over.  However I am so excited to return to real life.   We all have been talking in the last couple of days about how we wish we could all just be going to the same school, and we could all continue to live together.  That is what makes the summer so great! The friends you make that quickly become your family.  It's all we have during the summer. Its to bad we can't cut out the Pest Control out of it.  Summer would be so great! 
I am home now and I don't quite know what to do with myself.  I don't know what to do with freedom.  I am sure that it will only take a moment to get use to it.  
The ending of summer is bitter sweet. I have grown as a person, I learned a lot about myself this summer.  My confidence in has grown.  My hope is that confidence will only continue as I transition back into real life.  My Heavenly Father has really blessed me this summer. There is no question that I was suppose to be in Sacramento this summer. How grateful I am for the lessons I have learned.  Just another Testimony that Heavenly Father knows us and knows what is best. 

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