Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Little Brooklyn!

Char and Hannah came over on Sunday, Char was helping us put some lights around the Hot tub for Ward Stare, I was inside with Hannah, she put her phone on her tummy, and Brooklyn kicked it. Many times when I see Hann I aske her if Brooklyn is awake, she always says she is only awake at really odd hours. Here was my chance. So I put my hand on her tummy and see if I can feel her, we had to do a little convincing, I told Brooklyn it was her favorite Aunt, and she finally kicked my hand. YAY!!! it worked, I am her FAVORITE aunt. I yelled loud enough that Ash could hear me. She came running, and put her hand on Hannah's tummy, and tried to do some convincing, not luck. Guess Brooklyn has her favorites already. YES!!! I'm Matthew's favorite and I'll be Brooklyn's favorite too(already am...) Is there anything better then being the favorite Aunt? I think not. Brooklyn will be joining us aroud Thanksgiving.

This weekend was also filled with a really great Rugby game. I LOVE rugby! There is just something about the game, and the boys that play it. mmm...I just love it!
Shells and I also attended the Relief Society Broadcast at the Conference Center. It was so great! We are so lucky to live so close to the Prophet and Apostles. I love the Gospel! YAY! for great friends and great weekends!

1 comment:


Not much better than a weekend with rugby and the RS broadcast.