Friday, December 18, 2009

How much more do you want?

A couple of weeks ago Vonda and I went to Provo to go dancing. This is not unusual for us. We get there and this young man asks me to dance. He has asked me before, he usually asks on a slow song (NOT MY FAVORITE). He just spins me around and around, not fun spins, just a continually awkward spin. He usually just ask the one dance and moves on. Not this night. He didn't ask me to dance again, but came and hung out by us. He would ask me questions. I was polite and answered, however they were one word answers and I never tried to continue the conversation. He eventually left.
A week of two later Shelley and I went to Studio for free tuesday. Not thinking anything of this boy because he was in Provo. Far away right?!? Shells and I are just hanging out, chatting, people watching when someone bumps into me. You'll never guess who it was, ok, maybe you will. Yes is was this young man. He starts conversation, I introduce Shells so she can be part of the conversation. I'm not sure what we talked about, maybe the basics yet again. He eventually walked away.
Vonda and I went to Provo again two weeks ago. He is there. At this point, I don't want to dance with him. We have gotten the basics, any conversation will be more about my life, and well I'm not sure he needs to know that information. So the whole night I avoid. Dancing in Provo is just at a old rec center, so the floor is not very big. I don't think that I danced at all that night, because I was avoiding this young man.
Last night I went to Studio with Meg. I again not considering who might be there. Meg and I are going to Celebrate the end of the semester and the freedom we will enjoy for the next 3 weeks. He was there. I pointed him out to Meg so she could help the avoiding process. We did pretty well...He and I made eye contact once, and very brief. At one point Meg and I were caught up in the dancing that was going on and someone has kick my knee in. I don't even look around to see who it is. I grab Meg and we start walking very quickly in the opposite direction. He then taps me on the shoulder. I don't look around. I'm a brat I know! At this point Meg and I just go hip hop. Another friend is there. I tell him about it. He says "Meag, I would be flattered." Of course you would, I thought. He didn't know the whole situation. So I discounted his comment a little. I'm not sure if the stalker stayed or went at this point but Meg and I hip hopped longer then I enjoy.
I know I am a Brat!! However if I had wanted to get to know this young man I would have made bigger efforts. I obviously don't have any interest. All of my conversation with him has always very short. I'm afraid the only exposing information I gave him is that I dance at Studio. OOPS! Dancing has not been the same. I can't enjoy my time because I am avoiding the whole time. Maybe next time I will just have to lay down the law...


Mae Photography

I have been hesitant to put myself out there because I feel like everyone has there own camera, or knows someone. I am not sure that my photos are any better then the next persons. However if I don't put myself out there I can't get improve my skills. So here it is....
These are shoots I have done over the last couple of months.

I have put them on a photo blog

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Handsome Boys!

Last Wednesday Shells, Shannon, Jenn and I went to the Phil Vasar concert at the ESA. The Jazz were playing the Lakers in L.A. We walked around the corner and there he was....Matt Harpring shooting hoops. He was doing pre, half, post commentary. So what do we do? We get a picture of course. He was very kind. Yes he was touching Shells and I!! He is so HANDSOME!
The Handsome continued throughout the night. Bomshell and Buckeye Covington opened for Phil. Buckeye is the most awkward performer I have ever seen. Its a good thing we didn't have to watch him the whole night or else we would have left. Phil is an AWESOME performer. He had a whole band of HANDSOME boys!

Thanks for the great show Phil!