Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Cheesecake for all!

Something that comes a long with summer sales is lots of eating out. This weekend we had a triple crown incentive for the Cheesecake Factory. I had never been Cheesecake until I worked for Eclipse.  We meet our Friday and Saturday goals, yesterday we had one sale at 5 o'clock. We needed at least 9 to just go to dinner, 13 to go to Cheesecake.  As I was driving home from my last service are a little excited to be able to go to bed early cause we weren't going to make it to dinner. Mondays are slow days. The unexpected happened, the sales team reached there goal. We had 13 goals at 9:15 last night.  I don't know how they did it but they did.  So at 10 o'clock last night we went to dinner with Miles.  He is one of the co-founders of Eclipse Marketing. He is a really great guy, and really believes in the hard work that it takes to do summer sales. Which is why they treat us to Cheesecake every year. YAY! for yummy food. 

1 comment:

Cali said...

That may or may not have been the BEST part of summer sales. Minus all the great people... Cheesecake!