Saturday, July 12, 2008

A day from...

I have been waiting for today all week. The morning went well,  I was ahead schedule for every appointment.  I got lunch, and even had time to make an exchange at Kohl's. I thought that everything was going to go off with out a hitch.  It was inevitable, I soon was rushed and anxious.......I BECAME A DRAMA QUEEN. I am not one for drama, so I try very hard to keep it on the DL.  I don't get this way very often, but when I do watch out. All my summer friends saw a different side of me. I am going to work very hard on trying to be better at the no drama when I am anxious.   Why was I so anxious and rushed?  Well because I had a plane to catch.  After deciding what the best situation would be,  I took Ryan's truck home and he took mine and finished the services that they needed to meet the goal.  When I drove into our complex I realized that my key to the apartment was on my keys with Ryan.  Should of guessed it and Steph's farewell was this weekend, and I felt that I needed to be there, It was important.  So I purchased plane tickets a couple of weeks ago and only told very few people, getting out of town would be my biggest challenge.  I made it to the airport on time, everyone asked if I got the tickets for the right day!! ( so funny)   I flew into Salt Lake about 230 in the morning, my partner in crime(Shells) stayed up super late and came and got me.  I slept at her house, I figured that the surprise wouldn't be so great that early in the morning. Shells was kind enough to take me over to my parents the next morning.  As we approached my house I got all nervous, How was I going to do it?  We decided that I should go in the back door cause no one would be see me.  As I'm running into the backyard to make sure no one sees me in the front, I run into my dad, brother and Ashley. Oops! they were setting up some canopies for shade.  Ash looks over and says "what the" she runs over and gives me a huge hug.  Then my mom comes out, and says "oh my" another great hug, Steph comes out "Meagan?" and yet another hug.   My dad and brother didn't respond like the others because they knew. ( I had to tell someone, I couldn't keep it in).  The reaction the rest of the day were much like the ones of my family.   My aunt leaned over to me and said the everyone was so excited to see me and not Steph.  I don't think that is true, and that was not my intention.  My whole goal was to spend this amazing and sacred time with my family, and those we love. It is important to know that you are supported in your decisions. I am so excited for Steph and her decision to serve the Lord.   She is doing a very selfless act that will not only bless her, but those that she shares the gospel with.   I wanted nothing more then for her to know that I support her and wish her the very best in all that she does. She is a great example to me.  
My testimony has grown so much this summer,  as a summer sales team we all received callings fairly quickly in our ward.  ( it maybe because we added a good portion to the ward) They asked me to be a Relief Society Instructor, I was so nervous and very intimidated by the calling, I accepted of course.  It has been so great to prepare my lessons. I teach on the third Sunday, so I am up this week,  the lesson is on  the True and living Church.   I get so excited every time I read it.  Heavenly Father really knows what he is doing.  He really knows who we are, and what we are going through.  He knew I needed this calling and he knew that I could do it. He has the confidence in me to teach the truthfulness of his gospel.  More then anything I needed to know that I could do it.  My first Sunday teaching I was so nervous, I was afraid of just bawling. Usually when I bear my testimony or speak its just a bawl fest.  Not this time, I prayed all week that I would be able to teach what I was suppose to and be able to answer anything I needed to. Tears just fell when I bore my testimony at the end.  Heavenly Father really has blessed me, I don't know where I would be without Him or my Savior. I'd be lost without my great family and all there examples.   How grateful I am to be a member of this church, how lucky we are to be able to share it with all those around us. 

1 comment:

Kami said...

Meag.... I bet you are the best teacher ever. Your amazing.