Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Week in Review

The last 9 days have been quite eventful, both happy and sad....
Sunday everyone came over for dinner,  we were making spagetti and I burned the noodles...really is it possible?

Yep it's possible....don't worry no one went hungry.  

Monday I woke up and couldn't find my keys. There is only one thing I hate about the weekends and that is I don't ever keep things were I usually do.  I am pretty good about coming home on the weekdays and putting everything where it needs to go.  Like putting my keys in the front pocket of my bag.  It never goes that way on the weekend, we are all so excited to have a day off we go crazy!   So I called my boss and told him that my truck keys were lost, but I could drive my car to the office to get spares.  So I did, I get all ready to go for the day and I put the keys in the truck and they don't turn.  So I call again, they have another set and they are sending someone to our apartments to give them to me. YAY! so I eat some breakfast.   Joe brings me the keys and I'm off!   
The best part about Monday was that Brad got us all tickets to go to an A's game.  YAY! for baseball.  We all got off at 3,  went home go change into normal people cloths and we drove to Oakland.  We all took proper clothing for the Bay area, and enjoyed an evening off.  The A's lost.  Thanks Brad Lee!
Tuesday was pretty normal day. 
Wednesday I had some down time.  So I decided to clean all my junk out of my day bag.  And found my keys.  I thought that they had fallen out of my church bag and they were at church.  Nope.  They were where I usually put them, only in a different pocket hiding.  I couldn't wait to tell my boss where I had found them.  

Thursday was back to normal

Friday night after work I was talking to my dad, and fixing dinner when I see this trail of ants!  I couldn't believe it.   They went from our oven to our pantry.  SICK!  So I clean everything up and go out to my truck to get my spray.   We aren't messy girls, however we aren't the cleanest. Some nights the only energy we have is to change our clothes and climb into bed.  

Saturday was pretty normal, sales have been pretty slow so I wasn't so busy with work. However I had a late appointment,  and the memos read,  Mice and Rats in attic,  include garage and fence line.  Usually when this happens it means that they have had mice and rats, but are currently seeing anything.  I have been fortunate in my job to not have done many mice and rat jobs.   Last week I did remove a Rat from a porch, which made me very anxious.  Do you know where this is going?  I started talking to the home owner about what they were seeing.  The wife thought they were hearing mice.   So I get all my stuff together to go and  set mice traps in the attic.  My ladder wasn't tall enough so I used the home owners.  I turn on the light and peek up....there is one dead in the trap, and laying next to it is another, and it definitely not a mouse, they are Rats. SICK!!! I don't really remember what my reaction was but the home owner wishes he had it on tape.  So he could send it in somewhere.  It was that good.  So before I get all the way into the attic.  I go back to my truck for bigger traps and my gloves.  I removed the dead rats and set three more traps.  I pray that I don't have to go back this week to check the rats......

Sunday we went to San Francisco.  One of the girls in our ward was running in the half marathon.  I had never been to a marathon before.  When we got there I was so overwhelmed.  What a great accomplishment?  Lydia only started the half about fourty five minutes before we got there so we just watched and waited for her.   People from all over come to run 26.2 miles.  CRAZY!  They train for months,  I was so amazed at the time and effort it takes to accomplish this goal.  There was a 12 year old boy from Sac that ran it with his dad!  I can hardly run a mile, and had no intention of running that far when I was 12.   As we were watching a couple of people fell just yards from the finish line.  Two of them were older men probably in there 60's.  One in the marathon, and they other in the half.  The gentlemen in the half got tripped up and hit his head, he got back up with blood just running down his face, he started to head the wrong direction.  the third person we didn't see but the announcer was out in the middle of the runners saying there names and he yelled for first aid and ran.  It broke my heart, and still does just thinking about it.  Everyone works so hard to accomplish such an amazing goal, and are cut short because their bodies can't take it anymore.  It was very inspiring.  It is now something I would like to accomplish in my life.  My roommate Janalee are going to run the San Francisco Marathon when Janalee comes home from her mission.   
We then went around San Fran just enjoying the rest of our day. I just love San Fran.  

Monday, On my drive into work a light came on in my truck, I wasn't sure what it meant so I made sure to ask about it.  One of the guys came out and helped me.  One of my tires was low. So I went to a gas station and checked my tires.   I did some appointments and then didn't have anything for the rest of the day  so I went to Lodi, where the sales team was.   As I am driving the light come on again.  I get to the exit and pull into Chevron.  As I am walking around my truck I can see that it doesn't look right.  I had a flat tire!! Just what I needed.   I call my boss, he tells me he will make some phone calls, and as soon as I hang up with him, Brad calls me.  "We've got one for you!"  Of course.  I tell him I have a flat tire and that I have already talked to Alan.  Julio was my knight in shining armor.  He put the spare on and sent me on my way.  Which was not home.  I didn't leave Lodi until 8 pm.  Lodi is about 50 miles from where we live.  I didn't get home until about 9:30.   It was a little scary driving 50 mph on the freeway.  

All is well.  I only have 11 more working days!! I hope that the adventures are keep to a minimum.  

1 comment:

Rachel said...

only 11 more days? YIPEE! I am so excited for you to come back. jenga is waiting for you... hahaha... are you sure you don't want to do pest control again next summer?

p.s this is Kami.....