Sunday, May 4, 2008

No longer living in sin....

I drove to Sacramento a week ago.  My hope was to get all moved in and settle before everyone else came out.   Well it isn't at all how it happened. I got here and got the keys to the apartment and found it.  I open the door to an empty apartment.  Usually they have all the furniture all placed before we get here. Not this year....I slept on the floor for two nights.  I was the only one out here so it wasn't a big deal. I laid my blankets on the floor in the living room and plugged in the lap top and watched movies. Exciting uh?  Wednesday Jeffrey finally showed up. (we were suppose to caravan out on Monday) Jeffrey and I unpacked him into the one apartment that was available for us.  It has been a little bit of  a mess to get us all settled in, we didn't have enough apartments for all the bodies that showed up this weekend.  I have been living out of a suitcase and with Jeffrey and Ryan since Wednesday.  Today we had a break through in the chaos of apartments and I am no longer living in sin?!?!?  The boys and I were very modest, my father assured me that we weren't living in sin and it was okay.  I am no longer living out of suitcase and it feels so great!



Don't worry about 'living' with those guys. I mean, you don't go to BYU so you never signed an honor code concerning such things. Plus, it's not like you were on some show like The Real World living with guys. Ha Ha

Lohra said...

Well, well, well, Meagan goes to California and immediately forgets her standards. Great, just great.

Blake and Yanery said...

Congrats on the blog!! I am so jelous of you right now. I wish I was in Cali even if it was in Sac Town for th summer. Well I hope all is well. I know it won't be the same as East Bay cause it was the best! Love ya!

Telle said...

Sin! I call that opportunity. Glad you found a place to land!

Cali said...

I thought you were going to AZ?? hmm.. fill me in on that. I'm glad you got there safe, and hey, at least you got a small taste of what it's like to live with a man?? hahaha... just kidding. Keep us updated on all the fun. Tracy... SICK.