Monday, May 19, 2008

Rebecca, Eli, Wife, Inhale, Squats!

I am known for having Mentos everywhere I go. This is because the Dentist told me not to chew gum anymore.  I still need fresh breath so I have mentos.  Yesterday while driving to church I pull the mentos out and ask if anyone wants one. Everyone of course wants one, plenty to go around. Douglas goes "Meag I am going to call you the Fresh Maker. That is what I am going to call you one the doors my Fresh Maker is going to come by and service your home."  Isn't Doug Funny? 
Shilah too liked the nickname and it may stick for the summer.  The last two summers I have received several nicknames. My favorite though is from last year....let's take a trip memory lane. 
Kami, Steph, Elizabeth, Cali, and I were playing Phase 10 one sunday. We decided that we should have nicknames for the game, Kam would call us all different names when we would call in to tell her we were done with a service, which is how Steph got hers, the rest we just made up.   Steph is Rebecca, Elizabeth is Eli, Cali is Wife, Kam is Inhale, I am Squats. Cal and I were sitting next to each other looking at each others cards. We both had cards that each other needed, both of us were trying to figure out how we were going to get the cards without getting caught.   Finally Cal said "Meag we can't do that give me cards back."   So we switch cards, when really we didn't  switch in the first place.  It was so great! Cal was Brilliant.  I couldn't believe that we had pulled it off. But we did.  I don't even remember who won the game.  It was the funniest game of Phase 10 I have ever played.  Cali confessed when we were finished playing.  We rolled on the floor laughing for a very long time.  It was just what we all needed in the stress of Summer Sales.  It still brings a smile to my face to even think about it. I wish that you all could have been there because it was so great!


Kami said...

Squats.... oh how i remember the day that you lowered your standards and cheated. haha. that was a fun night!!

I could always count on you having boxes and boxes and boxes of mentos. I love the new nickname that can have more than one meaning. haha.

Good times. I love memories.

Cali said...

Oh squats... good times! I would do it again any time... I miss you!